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カバー3種あり : 3 types of book jackets available
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タカ・イシイギャラリー 五木田智央 「Diary」展
会期 2022年9月9日(金) – 10月8日(土)
会場 タカ・イシイギャラリー ビューイングルーム(TERRADA ART COMPLEX II)

美術手帖 2022年10月号


五木田智央は1969年東京生まれ、同地を拠点に活動。90年代後半に鉛筆、木炭やインクで紙に描いたドローイング作品で注目を集め、2000年に作品集『ランジェリー・レスリング』を出版。ニューヨークでの展覧会を皮切りに、これまで国内外で多数の個展を開催。2012年にDIC川村記念美術館にて開催された「抽象と形態:何処までも顕れないもの」展に参加し、2014年には同美術館にて個展「THE GREAT CIRCUS」を開催。近年の個展に「PEEKABOO」東京オペラシティアートギャラリー(2018年)、「Get Down」ダラス・コンテンポラリー(2021年)などがある。『シャッフル鉄道唱歌』天然文庫刊(2010年)、『777』888ブックス刊(2015年)、『Holy Cow』タカ・イシイギャラリー刊(2017年)、『PEEKABOO』公益財団法人 東京オペラシティ文化財団刊(2018年)、『MOO』タカ・イシイギャラリー刊(2021年)などの作品集、展覧会カタログを出版。



  • The book can be delivered in October. If you  purchase other books together, we will consolidate your orders into one delivery.
  • Please choose from 3 types of book jackets.
  • Additional charges may apply for complex customs clearance procedures.

Gokita’s solo exhibition, “Diary”, marks his sixth presentation with Taka Ishii Gallery since his show two years ago and will feature new color drawings. Bijutsutecho magazine will also showcase Gokita in its special October issue. In conjunction with the exhibition, 888books is publishing “Diary”, a compilation of all the works in this series. Gokita has continued to make these drawings daily, just like a written diary, since last year. The diverse and imaginative subject matter is constructed from a multidimensional perspective with full freedom of expression. In his works, he makes direct use of his flashes of inspiration and ideas, his motives for producing art, and his own feelings influenced by personal and world affairs. The artist captures the day to day with his unique sensibility and observational eye, and his rich visual language creates a multilayered expanse of pictures on small sheets of paper, as if his inner and outer worlds are in perfect balance.

Tomoo Gokita is one of the great artists to represent the contemporary art scene today with passionate fans from worldwide. Last year, he had a solo exhibit at established gallery, Mary Boone Gallery in USA, and also had a large scale exhibit at Kawamura Memorial DIC Museum of Art in Japan. Works on canvas using gouache with effective use of gradation show Gokita at his best, but equally, his drawings depicting various images from pop culture, pro-wrestling, horror films, and geometric patterns show his true strength as an artist. Over recent years, these drawing have been exhibited in groups, but in this book, they are presented in the format of one drawing per page. This is his book of drawings in 15 years since the last drawing book, Lingerie Wrestling (Little More) came out in 2000.

Taka Ishii Gallery Tomoo Gokita “Diary”
Dates: Sep 9 – Oct 8, 2022
Location: Taka Ishii Gallery Viewing Room (TERRADA ART COMPLEX II)


Book Design Satoshi Suzuki
Dimensions A5変形 200×148×20mm  / 176P
Cover カバー3種あり / 3 types of book jackets available
Year 2022
Publisher 888 books
発売日 2022年9月30日
ISBN 978-4-908439-22-3 C0070

