Mike Lee / Happier Together - amala

Mike Lee / Happier Together

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Mike Lee
Born in Placentia, California, Mike Lee is currently living and working in New York City. After the bachelor degree of Fine Arts at the Otis College of Art and Design in Los Angeles, Lee worked in the feature film and commercial illustration industry for almost 10 years. This experience is clearly visible in his artwork that he started focusing on back in 2015 when he first showed his work in LA. After 2 solo shows in 2016 and 2017 and couple of group shows through the country, Lee is excited to finally show his work outside the US.


Text Sasha Bogojov
Book Design Satoshi Suzuki
Dimensions 21 x 30 cm, 2 Volume Set,
Sealed in Polybag
Cover Softcover
Language English
Edition Size 200, Numbered
Year 2018
ISBN 978-4-909618-00-9
Publisher amala books


Titled "Happier Together" and "Quality Time" the recent shows in Tokyo and Hong Kong focus on the portrayal of his visions of love and genuine happiness. More confident about creating complex images, these soothing pictures depict his subjects drifting in a void. Alone or interacting with each other, they are partly the artist's reflection of those precious childhood days spend by, or in the water, but translated through a mind of grown man living in tense and challenging times, they represent an emotional safe haven. With expertly selected atmosphere and peculiar, unexpected spotlight effects, they are now enfolded in a delicate veil of tension and a subtle sense of foreboding builds, which defines the fragile and uncertain nature of this elusive getaway.
-- Sasha Bogojev

Mike Lee 'Happier Together' Curated by Sasha Bogojev at amala in Tokyo 2017. 11. 18 - 12.23

Over The Influence Contemporary Art Gallery in Hong Kong


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